The Increased Representation: A Vision for Inclusive Big-Team Science Workshop series is an initial effort to bring together psychological scientists from across the globe to discuss barriers and solutions to increasing representation within leadership & participation of big team/open science. This is possible thanks to the funding provided by The Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science’s Grants-in-Aid 2022.
The main objective of the panels, workshops & hackathons over the next 3 days (22-24th Sept 2022) is to identify challenges in increasing representation in big team/open science and provide tools to start collaborative projects in the psychological sciences. We seek ways to do this for marginalized scientists, especially from low-to-middle income countries. We have confirmed 23 speakers from about 15 countries to come and share their expertise around doing and leading big team science.
Hosted by the Universidad de Sonora, Mexico, the workshop series follow a hybrid format. This means that panel or single-speaker talk sessions from Day 1 & 2 are pre-recorded and shared before the workshop dates from 22-24th Sept. These pre-recorded talks are also supported by translated transcripts in different languages (e.g. Hindi, Portuguese, Bosnian/Serbian, and Spanish). The panels include corresponding 40-minute Q&A sessions on day 1 & 2 of the workshop series. On Day 3, hackathons are conducted live from 11AM – 6PM Eastern Time.
Quick Links
Panel videos are now live!
Recorded videos of all sessions (pre-recorded panels & live hackathons) are uploaded on YouTube so that they can be freely accessible. Non-video materials such as handouts or documents generated during the hackathon are stored on an openly accessible OSF page.
Day 1: Sept 22
Asynchronous Sessions
What does it mean?
You can view the videos to these sessions anytime from now till the 24th Sept and ask questions or share your comments on our slack channel here
Our speakers for these sessions will interact with you there!
Please note that there are separate slack channels for each of these sessions, head to the #increased-representation-2022 (pinned messages) to find the correct channels.
Day 2: Sept 23
All of our sessions will be held live for this day. Please view the program for Zoom links for each session and connect with the speakers through the Zoom session or via our Slack channel.
Time: Sept 23, 11:00 AM ET
or 8:00 AM Sonora Time, 3:00 PM UTC
Time: Sept 23, 1:00 PM Eastern Time,
10:00 AM Sonora Time or 5:00 PM UTC
Time: Sept 23, 3:00pm Eastern Time
or 12:00 PM Sonora Time or 7:00 PM UTC
Day 3: Sept 24
All of our sessions will be held live for this day. Please view the program for Zoom links for each session and connect with the speakers through the Zoom session or via our Slack channel.
Building Community
We hope to continue to work on understanding barriers unique to researchers from low-to-middle income countries when it comes to participating in or leading big team open science networks. We want to hear from you!
Take part in a short survey (10-15) mins that asks questions about your experience with open science at your local institute.
Join our slack channel here